Wednesday, July 8, 2015

Thanks for Sharing!

After reading postings from classmates, I decided to add my podcast to my blog. Thanks for the idea! This will  work great for my classes! I do not want parents and students to feel overwhelmed with having to check multiple sources to make sure they are keeping up with our news. I want them to only need to check one site. Thanks again for sharing your ideas!

Newsletter #1

Tuesday, July 7, 2015

Yapp App

Well, I finished my app. I was unable to make it do everything I had hoped for.  Maybe the Yapp site would allow me to, but I do not have the ability. I did more research on the app I wanted and found other sites and apps that already exist that are customizable to meet my specific needs. So end result…progress!

Monday, July 6, 2015

Getting to Know Blogging

As I submitted my last post, I noticed how my posts have grown. I found it difficult to write my thoughts, but I see that I am reflecting more. I find myself thinking about what can I focus on for my next post. Blogging would make a wonderful writing activity for my 3rd grade class. I intend on having the students first make group posts, then individual posts. Learning how to make and use a blog and use the aggregator will be one of my summer class favorites!

Mobile App

Talk about feeling clueless! This mobile app assingment has me frazzled. I felt good about planning an app that I could use in my classroom, but that's where the vision fizzled… Some good has come from this assignment though! While exploring apps, I found a free site that offers much of what I was looking for. It does not offer an app for the students to use, but it does offer a teacher site for me to monitor points (I wanted an app that kept track of student's tickets, which we use as a reward system).
Check out LiveSchool if you're looking for a free reward system for your students!

Friday, June 19, 2015

This is Funny!

So I have been finishing my WebQuest and I am using Weebly. I peiodically publish this to make sure the links are working. I used the survey tab for an assessment tool and was under the assumption that nobody would complete the assessment. To my surprise, somebody took my assessment and emailed me the results!
I'm glad they did, it made me realize I needed to ask the students to include their name :)

Sunday, June 14, 2015

Fog Lifting!

I am excited about all of the educational technologies that we will be working with for this class. I am however feeling somewhat overwhelmed with the short amount of time we have to accomplish all of this. I was really happy to to follow all of the class blog sites on my RSS, Feedly site! I see how these pieces fit together.  I can also see how I could use an RSS in my class, so I'm feeling its a good day!

Feeling Googled!

I have too many Google accounts! With my school going Google, I have been caught in the transition and assigned 2 new emails. I thought my blog had disappeared but found it when I logged onto my other account. I need to work to merge these accounts.

Saturday, June 13, 2015

WebQuest Builder

I found this great site that will help us build our WebQuests. This site also offers completed Webquests.

Thursday, June 11, 2015


I have spent a great deal of time reading the information for this class and my mind is busy looking how to incorporate blogs, wikis, and Twitter into my class.

This is my first post to my first blog! I am hoping to keep caught up with these (new to me) assignments! I am excited to learn so that half the battle :)